How Much Money Should I Save to Move Across the Country?

You should consider your time and energy commitments before deciding how much money to save to move across the country. If you can, consider selling your possessions to reduce your moving costs. Otherwise, you could drive across the country with your belongings. While you would still need to pay for gas, food, and hotels, these expenses would be the same regardless of the method you chose. Moreover, driving yourself would mean less risk of damage to your possessions. But, you should still keep in mind that moving yourself will also result in more expenses, so you should also factor this in your budget. long distance house movers

Apart from rent and transportation costs, you should also save some money for living expenses. Depending on your destination city, transportation costs can be as high as several hundred dollars per month. Besides, you should save for the cost of food and lodging if you are planning to stay in a new place. Moving long distances can also result in long stays in unfamiliar cities. You should therefore, budget for the expenses of traveling to your new city and staying there for a few days.

Your financial cushion is the perfect way to avoid the stress of relocating. If you have some extra money in your pocket, you can move to your new location while still looking for a new job. Once you are settled, you can list your new location on your resume and LinkedIn profile. However, you should be aware that it may lead to a longer employment gap. On average, a job search lasts three months for a fresh graduate; it might even take six months for executives.