How Much Does it Cost to Transport a Car 1000 Miles?

How much does it cost to transport a vehicle from one location to another? While most car transport services can provide an instant quote, the prices can vary depending on the company you choose. Some companies charge more for inoperable vehicles while others do not. When comparing costs, make sure you ask why you're being charged more if your vehicle isn't operable. If the company's quote is higher than you'd expect, you may want to look for another company. cross country movers military discount

When it comes to cost, a car shipper will generally charge between $1 and $2 per mile. Shipping a car from one location to another can cost as little as $200 compared to a thousand-mile trip. The cost of an enclosed trailer and guaranteed delivery can also add up quickly. A corsia auto transport coordinator can provide you with a price quote based on the current market value.

Shipping costs vary depending on the season and route of travel. High demand during certain times of the year can cause prices to increase, as drivers need time off. In addition, shipping during the peak winter months can prove challenging, especially if you need to ship your car during the holiday season. Another factor affecting price per mile is the type of vehicle. Enclosed transport is more expensive than open transport.

Auto shipping companies will often charge more for luxury vehicles than more affordable everyday use cars. Additionally, cars with modifications, low clearance, or top loading will likely cost more. Regardless of the type of vehicle you choose, booking early will ensure you get the best deal and avoid any surprises. And make sure to book early to secure a car transport company for your trip. Make sure to ask for multiple quotes and compare prices before choosing a shipping company.

Size and weight also affect the cost. Larger cars take up more space on the transporter, weigh more, and may require a larger carrier. A commercial carrier will only haul between five and nine cars at a time, so the smaller the vehicle, the cheaper the cost per mile. The same applies to heavy minivans, while a light compact car may only cost half of what a minivan would.

If you live in a rural area, you might want to opt for a centrally located shipping location to save money on the shipping fee. Winter months are also cheaper for shipping, but delivery times can be longer than usual. Rush services can be purchased for an additional fee. If you need your car right away, try shipping it in winter. But make sure you choose a location that has good transit times.

Enclosed transport is a more expensive option, but will protect your vehicle from the elements. You may be able to find an enclosed trailer for around $500 more than an open carrier. The difference in cost between the two methods is not great, but the additional protection can be worth the extra money. When choosing a transport method, document the condition of your vehicle. If you're moving a classic car, make sure to document it so it won't get damaged during transit.