{Before hiring a moving company to move your belongings, you should first get a printable insurance contract.|Before you hire a moving company to move your belongings around, you need to first obtain a printable insurance contract.} {Most insurance policies have specific requirements when it comes to moving.|There are specific requirements for moving that most insurance policies have.} {The following is an overview of the information you need to know about this contract and how to fill it out.|Here's a list of all the information that you need to know about the contract and how to complete it.} {You should also know whether the company you hire is licensed and bonded.|It is important to know if the company you are hiring is licensed and bonded.} {Then, you can decide on the type of mover that will be best for your situation.|This will help you choose the right mover for your needs.} best local moving company
{Whether you're moving within the same state or across the country, you'll need to choose an insurance plan that covers your goods.|You will need to select an insurance plan that covers your goods, regardless of whether you are moving within the same country or within the state.} {In most cases, you'll only need to choose between Released Value Protection (RVP) and Full Value Protection (FVP).|You will only need to choose from Released Value Protection, FVP or Full Value Protection in most cases.} {Released Value Protection will pay you 60 cents for every pound of your items.|60 cents per pound will be paid for Released Value Protection.} {This isn't enough to replace a 40-pound flat-screen TV, but it will cover any breakage and damage.|Although it won't replace a flat-screen TV that weighs 40 pounds, this protection will cover any damage or breakage.} {However, it's better than nothing.|It's better than nothing.}